The golden compass

In the beginning of opening sequence of the film 'the golden compass' the titles give away the genre of the film they are written in fairy dust sort of way which suggests that the genre of the film os going to be fantasy. we then hear a voice over which is conventional of thriller genre we follow the story of someone and mostly they start us off with a voice over, this also suggests that they are the protagonist. we then connote what the voice over is saying. one of the USPs of the film could the actors in the film such as Daniel Craig. we see witches and poler bear with
armor on suggesting its a fantasy. the film is called 'the golden compass' and the voice
over was telling the story behind what the current situation is she says "and only one who
can predict" we then cut to the girl suggesting that she is the one who the voice over was
talking about. this fits with todorov's theory and the scene begins with equilibrium where
every thing is fine the children are playing with mud balls. the next stage of the todorov's
theory is also shown when when someone was trying to Poisson lord Astrian. there are
a red herring when Lora and Billy are having a bet the music builds up tension but
suddenly the music drops and everything is back to normal. this is conventional of thriller

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