Past students' work 'SIMON SAYS'

simon says is different from out film opening because thay used an already existing logo company which is universal in our case we are making out own logo called new moon productions and we are making our own music and we could use other people's music as long as it doesn.t have a copy right. in the beginig of the openning sequence all we saw ware shots of things in the dark room with red lighting and in some of hte shots there were shadows of perople in the shots we then cut to a vague red title in red with blank screen then there is a jump cut of a flat and the camera is cantedof a sudden there is loude music and people dancing then the music contenued through out the sequence even when we are not near the music. what they could have done eas made teh music quieter so we know that we are some where els. some of the closeup shots are quiet nice but when the girl vomits it looks very fake. as aaudience I had no idea what was going on. it rose lots of question perhaps that is what they were trying to do. I thing it got a C because of some lazt filming and editing.

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